HAS 2vials

HAS (Highly Agglutinative Staphylococcin)


  1. Academic 
    (The latest academic theory and clinical applications of Superantigen Scientific theory and clinical data)

Alternative Treatments

The fundamental statement of truth, is that it’s your immune system (T-cells, B cells, Interleukin 2, Macrophages, etc) that fights diseases. To win the fight against disease (including cancer) you have to ensure you have a healthy immune system – FULL STOP. It’s important to be aware that Chemo and radiation destroys the immune system.

1.     Healthy immune systems kills cancers cells every day (Statistics vary, but could be between 3,000 and 10,000 cells a day)

2.     If you have been diagnosed with cancer this then means your don’t have a healthy immune system that copes sufficiently.

3.     Logic tells us then, that by boosting your immune system, this should have a positive impact in your battle against cancer
